This week

The screenings of the films will occur at Dialogues Cafe, JP Nagar . Registration for the event can be done at the venue. The locations and times for some events may be altered and updates will be communicated via our social media channels.

Calcutta 71

Calcutta 71

Mrinal Sen


as part of Cinema of the World @ Underline Center

8:00 PM, 18 June 2024



Edward Yang


as part of Taiwanese New Wave Retrospective

1:30 PM, 22 June 2024



Edward Yang


as part of Taiwanese New Wave Retrospective

11:00 AM, 22 June 2024



Jem Cohen


as part of On Mental Wellness

3:00 PM, 23 June 2024

Rediscovering cinema, together.

The Parallel Cinema Club is a community-run film society based out of Bangalore. We are a group of film enthusiasts who meet up once a week to discuss the reel world, auteurs and themes, and occasionally host guest lectures.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the format of your weekly meetings?

Our weekly meetings consist of a screening of an arthouse film, followed by a discussion. The discussion is led by one of our members, or sometimes a guest speaker, and encourages members to share their thoughts and interpretations of the film.

How do I become a member of the club?

To become a member of our club, all you need to do is attend one of our meetings and sign up. Membership is free, and we welcome anyone who is passionate about arthouse cinema.

What types of films do you screen?

We screen a wide variety of arthouse films, including international films, independent films, experimental and avant-garde films, and documentaries. We strive to provide a diverse and exciting film program that challenges the conventions of mainstream cinema.

Are the screenings open to the public?

Yes, our screenings are open to the public, however, we encourage members to RSVP so we can plan for the event accordingly.

Are there any age restrictions to attend the screening?

Our screenings are open to adults of all ages. However, please note that some of the films we screen may contain mature themes and language, and discretion is advised.

Are the online meetings different from the offline meetings?

The format of our online and offline meetings are similar, consisting of a discussion and on special occasions, a Q&A session with the guest speaker. The main difference is the location, online meetings will be held via Google Meet, whereas offline meetings will be held at Dialogues Cafe.

How do I participate in the discussion during online meetings?

During the online meetings, the members can discuss their opinions on the film and ask questions in real time. We also have a Q&A session where members can ask questions on chat or voice chat to the guest speakers if there are any. Additionally, members are welcome to continue the discussion after the meeting on our online forum or social media channels.

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